Glenn Busch’s book ‘Working Men’, featured portraits of male workers in New Zealand in the 1980s. As you can see, his style is exactly like mine. I think these types of images work better in colour as it would give more of a sense of the workplace. I feel that black and white ‘dampens down’ the reality and gives the images a ‘bleakness’.
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There are no women pictured in this book - I would like to get a good balance of men and women in my work, but it all depends who agrees to be photographed. Busch photographed only manual workers, which is a male-dominated area.
Sheridan Keith in his review of Busch’s book feels it was a pity that for comparison there are no car salesmen, retailers, lawyers, accountants or MP's weren’t included and that it would have been “interesting to see if the common themes that emerge in Busch's group were consistent throughout a wider range of wage earners.”
I like the way Busch has captioned his pictures, ie Jack Taylor, Boat Builder and John Dale, Labourer, Demolition Gang. This is similar to how I am thinking of captioning my pictures. However, I may omit the workers names as they are representative of all workers in their particular field and feel it may be uncessary naming them as individuals.