Thursday, 8 April 2010

Moira Lovell

I’m really sorry that I missed ‘The Narrators’ Gaze’ at the National Coalmining Museum on 26 March.  Unfortunately, I had a meeting at Bolton Hospital which I couldn’t miss. 

I have, however, been looking at the images of the photographers involved and the style of Moira Lovell is similar to mine.    Her website is:

I love her project ‘The After School Club’ of 2006/2007, in which she photographs of young people who dress in school uniform to go to a nightclub,  in front of gates of their secondary schools.

This website - – provides useful comment, adding that her project:

“[…] dissected the topic of school uniforms, dress, offering a look sexualized and childish, non-threatening sexuality of the woman, before the male gaze, whereas in the educational system, the purpose of clothing is to provide a homogenous identity, not stimulating competition. It is suggested that schools as disciplinary institutions, seem in part to create a core group of obedient followers of the male gaze.”

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